Design aimed toward defining a stronger sustainable future for HORN.


Collaboration with danish company HORN Bordplader A/S, who manufactures sustainable counter tops, & Lifestyle & Design Cluster, during which I had the pleasure of working alongside designers Alexander Hinnerskov Elena Werr and Viviann Lind Nielsen as a team, where we proposed a more sustainable vision focused on better achieving the 17 SDG goals, and a radical shift on the company's future business approach.

Spin-IN_Horn_2020/Circular Strategy

The concept: from countertops to modular kitchens manufacturer.

Pushing towards flexibility thorugh modularity, is the way to go for the companies of today to move towards a truly green future. By proposing this 180° shift within the company’s business strategy, although bold, we manage to positively affect their vision & action for the coming years.


KINDER (Ferrero)


Stacking Pot (DDAA, Tokyo)